Available on Google Play and App Store

Love Spontaneous Trips?

Download Planzi and forget the hassle of planning.

Available on Google Play and App Store

Love Spontaneous Trips?

Download Planzi and forget the hassle of planning.

Explore with Planzi

Ever wanted a guide that takes you everywhere?

Planzi is your answer!

Short on time for tour planning?

Forget about spending hours planning.
A few clicks are all it takes to receive a personalized tour plan.

Ready in 2 Minutes

Planning a tour is now as fast as making coffee.


Your Personal Plan

Pick where and what time your tour starts and ends.
Planzi does the rest.

Short on time for tour planning?

Forget about spending hours planning.
A few clicks are all it takes to receive a personalized tour plan.

Ready in 2 Minutes

Planning a tour is now as fast as making coffee.


Your Personal Plan

Pick where and what time your tour starts and ends.
Planzi does the rest.

Go Anywhere

Romantic walk in Paris? Or maybe an adventure in New York?
Planzi plans it perfectly.

Unseen Paths

Discover hidden spots around the world with Planzi.

Famous Sites? No Problem

Planzi knows them and makes your day exciting.

Try it Now

Sign up and get 2 free tour plans.

Try it Now

Sign up and get 2 free tour plans.

Delayed train?

Planzi suggests the best spots to visit in your free time.

Hour-by-Hour Itinerary

Planzi adapts to your schedule, guiding you on what to visit and when.

Optimal Route Planning

Your tour ends where you want, with easy navigation to each stop.

Delayed train?

Planzi suggests the best spots to visit in your free time.

Hour-by-Hour Itinerary

Planzi adapts to your schedule,
guiding you on what to visit and when.

Optimal Route Planning

Your tour ends where you want, with easy navigation to each stop.

Travel More, Spend Less

Hiring a tour guide in Cracow costs approximately $60 for a 2 hour tour.

Planzi will guide you for under  $2,50
and you won’t have to rush.

Free Tour Plan

See how easy and fun traveling with Planzi can be.
Sign up for 2 free tours

Travel More, Spend Less

The more you use Planzi, the cheaper it gets.
Find out more in the app.

Find Hidden Gems

Uncover spots unknown to most tourists.

Unique Places

Planzi plans your tour based on community-recommended places, beyond just the popular tourist sites.

Up-to-Date Information

Find the latest entry prices, opening hours, and more.

Start Your Adventure Now

Create an account and claim 2 free tour plans.

Start Your Adventure Now

Create an account and claim 2 free tour plans.